Saturday, April 25, 2009

Picture Post

Zach is now rolling and is somewhat mobile. He has rolled into the kitchen a few times and pulled some of my cookbooks off the shelf and chewed on them. Today Tom put the doors back on the bookcase where the cookbooks are stored and I have the feeling we will be baby proofing a lot more in the coming weeks!

Zach pulled this drawer open a few inches:

Zach did not understand the snack trap was holding food. He thought it was merely a challenging toy with the objective being to get the contents out as quickly as possible:

Baxter enjoyed this game:

Hiking with our friends, Guy, Marsh (not shown) and Harper:

Zach in a pack:

Stopping for a rest:

Sleeping babies:

To the moon, and beyond!

Yup, this is how I roll:

March of Dimes walk at Vasona Park:

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