Wednesday, October 22, 2008

4 Months!

Zach turned 4 months old on Sunday! There will be video to follow - just have to download it from the video camera.

He had his 4 month checkup on Monday and got his shots. All went well... He screamed like a banshee for about 10 minutes after the shots and had a mild fever for the next day or so. His height and head circumference are 50th percentile and his weight is 25th percentile. I'm not concerned about the weight - breastfed babies weigh less than formula fed and the charts include formula fed babies.

Zach also had an eye check-up on Monday. I'd been noticing his eyes crossing slightly and the pediatrician felt it would be best to have him checked out. We found out he is farsighted, but that it could correct over the next few months. His eyes look healthy and we're just supposed to keep an eye on the eyes crossing. Overall good news!

Today we are having a new furnace installed. We had a really cold day about a week ago and our furnace refused to turn on. We had a technician out and basically the old furnace was toast and a carbon monoxide risk. Scary, especially since the attic access to the furnace is in Zach's room. I'm very thankful it didn't turn on and we are replacing it. They are having to cut apart the old furnace to get it out.

It seems just about every day we are noticing new developments with Zach's personality and interactions. Last night he started taking the binky in and out of his mouth on his own. He is sort of in this in-between stage of not quite realizing his hands are attached to him, but he is starting to do things with them. It is fun to see the progress he is making!

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