Monday, April 28, 2008

Ultrasound Update April

Today we had our ultrasound checkup to see if the marginal placenta previa had cleared up.  Unfortunately, it is still present, although the doctor thinks there is still time for it to resolve.  However, she has placed me on "disability" and told me I have to stop working.  I guess this means any ambition I had to run out and get a job in my third trimester is gone.  HA!  I have so little energy right now, I can barely function.  

The intestinal distress hung around for about a week and a half, which was not much fun.  I was worried about the baby, but all indications are good and they didn't find anything in my labs to indicate an infection.  I never thought I'd get sick of eating bread, but after a week of bread and rice, I was craving protein like nobody's business!  We had a few more scares with the contractions - at one point they were happening every 5 minutes.  However, we found that if I drank a bunch of water and laid down on the couch, they went away.

We interviewed another pediatrician last week.  We liked her better than the first one, but she didn't have much of a sense of humor.  We're going to interview one more doctor.  

This past weekend all of our worldly possessions were packed up and moved into the garage.  We start demolition for our remodel this Thursday.   We have two rooms and a bathroom in the house that we will be living in for the next 4 months.  It will definitely be an adventure!!!

The video we took today has a good image of the baby's face and profile.  Enjoy!

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