We had our monthly prenatal checkup today. They couldn't find the baby's heartbeat using the Doppler machine so we had an ultrasound instead. This was our first abdominal ultrasound and it was certainly more comfortable than the transvaginal ones. Qbert was dancing up a storm in there! S/he waved to us at one point which was just awesome to see! The heartbeat was strong. Apparently the placenta is low-lying which could correct itself in time, we just have to wait and see. If it does not correct, it could lead to placenta previa. The doctor told us she wasn't telling us this to worry us, that it could correct on its own. Right, like I'm not going to worry... We should know more at our 20 week ultrasound.
Still, it was great to see the baby again and watch him/her move around!
does that mean the baby is officially in beta?
I always liked seeing the babies on Ultrasound, it was like going to visit them, made it so much more real.
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