Thursday, November 20, 2008

5 Months

Yesterday was Zach's 5 month birthday! Amazing how quickly these months have flown by. Zach is really starting to get personable. He smiles so much now and has eeked out a giggle or two. He rolled over for the first time on 11/8.

His nursing strike has continued now for 3 weeks and we are starting to supplement with formula. My goal had been to breastfeed for at least 6 months. We almost made it! He is still nursing, but he is now getting 2-3 bottles a day of formula. It has cut down on his frustration and my frustration, too!  We've also started feeding Zach rice cereal, although "feed" is a stretch.  We put it in his mouth, he looks at us like we are torturing him, and he spits it back out.  It is a messy and amusing process so far.

We are headed to Wisconsin for a week for Thanksgiving. It is rather chilly there right now and it will be Zach's first time seeing snow!

Here is his 5 month video:

1 comment:

Meg said...

seriously cute! :) Nia STILL will not tolerate tummy time like he did at 5 months, and she's 7-12 months old now!!! what the heck!?! :)