This week we've had our first experience with stomach flu. On Thursday night Zach threw up twice and then on Friday morning he had some nasty intestinal stuff that was, for lack of a better word, incredible. I've never seen a mess like what his 21 pound body produced. We thought he was in the clear today, but just about a half hour ago he threw up again. He's running a bit of a fever. Poor little guy! Through all of this he's still been his happy, usual self, though.
Today, before he got sick again, we went to a baby disco with another family. It was really more geared towards the 3+ crowd. We danced for a short while, then sat on the floor with some toys and books. Zach was totally oblivious to everything around him, but he did enjoy playing with some toys. On the way in they put a band on Zach's ankle and gave us the matching ticket. We had to give them the ticket on our way out, so that we could leave with our child. It seemed a bit odd to me, but the other couple we were with explained that they do this at a lot of places. I'm not sure what would have happened if we lost our claim check for our child...
Dancing with Mom:

Right after Zach sneezed all over my face and chest. EW!

Story with Dad:

Earlier in the week I bought a changing table on Craigslist for $25. Since Zach now outweighs the weight limit on the bassinet in the pack-n-play by 6 pounds, we needed something downstairs to use for changing him. I'm really liking the new changing table, as is Oscar. Tom found Oscar in one of the green bins underneath earlier in the week. I'm not sure how he wedged himself in it, or why...

We are supposed to have a playdate here on Monday, but if Zach is still sick, we'll have to cancel. This coming Friday we are leaving Zach at the Y for 4 hours so we can go on a DATE. A real DATE. With dinner AND movie. :)